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Relax in the

Reflection Room

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Welcome to the Reflection Room!

Set aside some time and settle into this quiet space to read and reflect.  Here you’ll take a deeper dive on underpinnings of the EE Framework™ through readings and jot down your thoughts using Reflection Guides. Then, schedule a virtual (or in real life!) coffee/walking date with colleagues to share your “ah-ha’s.”




As an underpinning to the Equitable Evaluation Framework™, this paper explores philanthropy’s complex relationship with evaluation and invites the linking of cultural competence and equity-focused evaluation (The Foundation Review, 2014).  

The accompanying Reflection Guide supports individual and/or team reflection and discussion in lifting up what is most compelling in the reading, and taking a deeper dive on core concepts related to bringing culture directly into validity.

Featured Reading: Raising the Bar - Integrating Cultural Competence and Equity: EEF


This Reflection Guide - featuring a fillable format - supports individual and/or team reflection and discussion in lifting up what is most compelling in a set of readings, and a deeper dive on core concepts related to validity and a focus on values and ethics. 


This Reflection Guide - featuring a fillable format - supports individual and/or team reflection and discussion in lifting up what is most compelling in a readings set, and deeper dive on ways in evaluation, philanthropy and equity are in relationship (or not).


This framing paper is a product of the Equitable Evaluation Project (now EEI) to set the stage for an invitational roundtable in 2017 where findings, implications and potential next steps were explored focusing primarily on philanthropic domestic evaluation practices. It provides grounding of what an EEF™ is (and is not) and lifts up what this vision requires across the evaluative process. Check out the related Reflection Guide, What are the Implications for Those Seeking Equity?

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This paper explores how race/racism has influenced both philanthropy and evaluation, and how an EEF shifts the current evaluation paradigm to be more aligned with philanthropic values and intentions (Dean-Coffey, J., 2018, American Journal of Evaluation). Check out the related Reflection Guide, What are the Implications for Those Seeking Equity?

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The Equity Learning Club is an internally focused, self-guided model of readings, reflections, and group discussions focused on progressing from the problem (structural racism and implicit bias) to action (shifts we can make to promote equity). Vantage Evaluation staff shared what they’ve learned at the 2019 AEA Conference. Contact Laura Sundstrom to learn more at lsundstrom@vantage-eval.com..

  • Read the overview.

  • Access the related resources:

    • PRESENTATION: Building Our Own Capacity for EEF: An overview of our journey and lessons learned

    • HANDOUT: Shifting Our Perspectives: Tips for deciding if an Equity Learning Club is right for your organization and a list of resources

    • REPORT: EEF Design Challenge: Equity Learning Club (What we did and learned)


This offers topline questions and considerations for centering and activating the EEF in response to these unprecedented times.

...The third principle around participant ownership has been the most useful for us organizationally...I think people had a pretty traditional view of evaluation which held quantitative analysis conducted by academic evaluators up as the gold standard. We have been able to use this principle to help people see that this type of analyses alone is extremely limiting and doesn’t always reflect a full and accurate picture.

— Kristy Klein Davis & Sarah Smith, Missouri Foundation for Health
Traditional views of evaluation have limits and don't always reflect a full and accurate picture
