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Views + Newsstand

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Welcome to Views + Newsstand!

Come on over! While waiting for your brew to steep, slide over and check out the Views and Newsstand. There are brief reads and perspectives, including some partner blogs and learnings, to inspire and engage while you mingle. Share yours!  



Visual Snippets

What’s Surfacing in the Practice Partner Space?

This collection of visual snippets on what’s surfacing in this Practice Partner space of conversation, practice, and community was created by EEI’s resident artist, Emily Shepard. It includes an overview visual of main areas, followed by a deeper dive on each. See the related Tête-à-Tête (video) below.

Overview of Visual Surfacings




Insights related to rethinking how organizations learn and improve by Mariana Preciado of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Oct. 2021).


Chinwe Onyekere of HealthSpark shares how the EEF is part of its journey to center equity and justice in its work (Nov. 2021).


This includes how the EEF aligns with Kresge’s program teams leaning more into a trust-based approach, by Arturo Garcia (Nov. 2021).



Listen in as Dr. Marcia Coné and Jara Dean-Coffey engage in conversation about what they’re noticing and what’s surfacing as folks are experiencing and engaging in towards adoption of the EEF.


Anna Cruz of the Kresge Foundation shares in this Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) blog how advancing racial equity requires us to focus on both inward and outward change.


Read how the EEF led Colorado Health Foundation to an ongoing process of both learning and unlearning, and for thinking about how to shift its practices to align with principles of equity.


Karen McNeil-Miller, President and CEO of Colorado Health Foundation, shares this personal reflection on impacts of COVID-19 (and how a new more equitable normal requires our whole selves).

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Featured in AEA  365, by Madeline Brandt, member of Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) research branch. (December 2019)

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This booklet was prepared by the TCC Group for the 2018 AEA Annual Conference  to share some of their experiences with peers in the field to spur conversation, disseminate lessons learned, and encourage others to talk about navigating equity issues in evaluation more explicitly. (April 2019)



To share reflections on how they are intentionally focusing on equity in knowledge development, blogs by Hanh Cao Yu (The CA Endowment, Aug. 2019) and Jara Dean-Coffey (EEI, Dec. 2019) were featured as part of a #Evidence4Equity series of the Center for the Study of Social Policy. 


Take a peek or re-peek at periodic internal updates of things percolating among the EEF Practice Partners.


“….The EEF isn’t a recipe for how to do the work. It is an invitation to develop a different relationship with evaluation – to change the way we are being, thinking and doing…”

- Colorado Health Foundation
Learning and Unlearning…
